Results for «Vin Diesel»

How environmentally friendly are electric vehicles?

44m 22s

Electric cars are supposed to be more environment friendly than vehicles with combustion engines. But how ecological is it to produce batteries, and are they used efficiently? We take a look at technical developments and ask how we can produce more environment-friendly batteries and make the energy management of electric cars more efficient.

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How environmentally friendly are electric vehicles?

44m 22s

Electric cars are supposed to be more environment friendly than vehicles with combustion engines. But how ecological is it to produce batteries, and are they used efficiently? We take a look at technical developments and ask how we can produce more environment-friendly batteries and make the energy management of electric cars more efficient.

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Inspiring Women - Michelle Rodriguez

3m 08s

Inspiring short form profiles on iconic women throughout history. Each vignette presents different and unique personalities and highlights their journeys and success achieved against adversities within the fields of TV, film and music. Get a closer look at these amazing women as they share advice on topics such as health, food, and beauty.

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Diesel: The Industry's Smokescreen

54m 58s

‘Dieselgate’ made headlines around the world. For deliberately cheating the system, Volkswagen were made to pay a record $20 billion fine. But, as this investigation shows, they were far from the only culprits. We met the researchers who uncovered the cheat devise and investigate the dangers posed by NOx emissions.

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Diesel: The Industry's Smokescreen

54m 58s

‘Dieselgate’ made headlines around the world. For deliberately cheating the system, Volkswagen were made to pay a record $20 billion fine. But, as this investigation shows, they were far from the only culprits. We met the researchers who uncovered the cheat devise and investigate the dangers posed by NOx emissions.

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Diesel: The Industry's Smokescreen

54m 58s

‘Dieselgate’ made headlines around the world. For deliberately cheating the system, Volkswagen were made to pay a record $20 billion fine. But, as this investigation shows, they were far from the only culprits. We met the researchers who uncovered the cheat devise and investigate the dangers posed by NOx emissions.

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